We get it. As experienced professionals ourselves, we understand the stress, the long hours, the constant juggling act. Not only that, we get that you may not have had the best experience or advice in the past—perhaps the focus was too short term and the whole process was just a little lacking. So now you’re on the hunt for someone who will listen. Someone whose focus is on you, your career and your business.
That’s us. That’s why we established Sigma in the first place—to empower you to grow your business, to progress your career.
To empower you to change your life.
How We Work
If you haven’t already guessed, we like to do things a little differently around here. A reflection of who we are as people, our values guide our work.
What You Can Expect
We whole-heartedly believe that you can do amazing things. That you can become a more fulfilled lawyer, a partner, a successful leader—whatever your goals may be.
All you have to do is work out what it is you want, and then go after it.
We don’t have all the answers, but we certainly know how to listen. We know which questions to ask, and when. We know which plans to put in place, and how.
And we do it all with passion and honesty, careful to give you the time to consider all your options fully, so that you can take that perfect next step in your career, or for your business.
Your Team

M: 0422 288 685
E: jackie@sigmaexecutive.com.au

M: 0400 888 519
E: sean@sigmaexecutive.com.au

M: 0422 402 944
E: ashley@sigmaexecutive.com.au

M: 0419 511 439
E: nathan@sigmaexecutive.com.au

M: 0402 052 935
E: dani@sigmaexecutive.com.au

M: 0428 249 217
E: ashleya@sigmaexecutive.com.au

M: 0450 719 645
E: michelle@sigmaexecutive.com.au